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Parul Sevashram’s fight against COVID -19 pandemic with holistic care and cure approach

The COVID-19 pandemic has been growing in its impact and casualties across the Nation and the World at large. To curb this rise and stay ahead of the medical concerns, Vadodara based Parul Sevashram Hospital has been enhancing its medical capacity to accommodate more COVID patients. In addition to its already existing facilities, this teaching hospital has added 25 more dedicated COVID ICU beds for critical patients. With an increasing demand for Ventilators, 10 ventilators have also been added. Additionally, 25 private rooms have also been added to the existing facilities. These facilities feature the highest form of containment and precautions, to ensure a reduced risk of cross infections and to guarantee the welfare of the patients.
A special section for suspect patients and 4 beds in the ICU for patients requiring dialysis during their management in COVID ICU have also been ensured.
From May 2020, more than 1000 COVID positive patients have been treated. The Parul Sevashram Hospital has developed a unique Holistic Care and Cure approach to meet patient’s needs. A patient named Iqbal Gadiwala mentions, “The hospital is so well maintained in terms of cleanliness, regular food menu. The staff is very helpful and attends all the queries.” Regular patient counseling is supplemented with a variety of activities for the patient’s engagement. The social workers are meeting patients daily to understand their experience, to celebrate their special days in the COVID ward, and to make them feel like at home. Music and game sessions are planned in the isolation ward which gives a connection to all the admitted patients. One of our patients, Mr. Mitesh Rawal says that “I have been admitted for more than 40 days here and it is just because of the caring attitude of staff and the treatment by an expert team of doctors that I have recovered from this deadly virus. The staff inside ICU made me comfortable and took care of my every need, they are truly warriors.”

Patients are guided with breathing exercises & meditation by our expert physiotherapists as a part of this holistic care. Apart from this patients are provided with Ayush Kits to help boost their immunity. Daily routine starts with a hot “ Kadha” with special immunity-boosting ingredients followed by a healthy diet planned by a dietitian; taking care of the patient medical condition. Hot drinking water is being facilitated the entire day to help patients relieve their throat congestions. “Haldi wala dudh” is a diet mandate for all the patients. A37-year-old patient Umesh Patel mentions “I thank Parul Sevashram Hospital Management for giving me a second life after testing positive for COVID; the treatment, food, staff care, doctor support are excellent”
“ As Parul Sevashram Hospital, our commitment towards providing the highest form of medical treatment toCOVID-19 patients remains unchanged. Due to our holistic care approach and dedicated team of expert doctors and paramedics, our recovery rates have been above 85% till now and if the COVID infections and medical concerns increase, or the number of cases rise, we will also continue to enhance our facilities and medical resources to meet this need”, said the University’s Medical Director, Dr.Geetika M Patel.


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