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Guidelines for upcoming festival season

As per the State Government’s decision, no public events of Garba will be allowed in the State during Navratri.

  • Garbi and Murti installation and pooja and aarti will be allowed at open spaces during Navratri but charan sparsh of photo or murti will not be allowed. Similarly, the distribution of prasad will also not be allowed.
  • Permission of local administration will be required.
  • Gathering, of more than 200 persons will not be allowed.
  • The duration of events will be limited to one hour.
  • All Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) will be needed to follow.

In areas other than containment zones, social, educational, entertainment, cultural activities, religious functions will also be permitted with certain conditions.

  • Six feet of physical distance and floor marking for the same will be required.
  • Proper wearing of face masks will be required.
  • A thermal scanner, sanitizer, oximeters will be required.
  • Sanitization of stage, mic, and chairs will be required.
  • A hand wash and sanitizer facility will be mandatory.
  • Spitting and consumption of pan – masala – gutkha will be completely banned during the functions.
  • Those older than 65 or younger than 10, pregnant mothers, and others suffering from diseases are advised not to participate.
  • If such functions are held at halls, hotels, banquet halls, auditoriums, community halls, town halls, or other closed places, a maximum of 200 people will be allowed in 50% capacity of the hall.
  • Wedding and wedding receptions will be limited to a maximum of 100 participants.
  • A Funeral /religious ceremony will have a limit of 100 persons.
  • Fairs, processions, exhibitions, Ravan Dahan, Ramlila, etc mass events are banned.
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