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OSD Dr. Vinod Rao held a meeting to review the COVID conditions and the preparedness of the hospital

On Thursday the ASHA Workers, ANMs, MOs, and Zonal Officers were briefed for the launch of Sanjeevani Abhiyan at SSG Auditorium.

The Sanjeevani Abhiyan will visit the home-based covid care patients and monitor their health regularly. The teams undergo training and orientation before they are dispatched to their assigned PHC for the work.

Dr. Rao said a total of 102 Teams (3 per PHC) and each Team with 2 Health Workers will start intensive home-based COVID Care from today. Each team will visit 20 home isolated patients per day. Each team will carry Pulse Oximeter, BP Instrument, Thermal Gun, and others along with them and monitor the vitals like temperature, SpO2, blood pressure, and history of the patients.

These teams will also visit those patients discharged from private hospitals for home-based COVID Care and will coordinate with doctors of private hospitals for these patients. For the rest, these teams will coordinate with MOs of PHCs for treatment support of all patients. He further said that the teams will prioritize the patients as per risk category (elderly and co-morbid) and will be visited first. They visit patients every day or alternate day so that they can be monitored and mobilized to the hospital, at the first instance of the need for hospitalization.

All the patients will be provided with necessary medication at home and also followed up telephonically twice In a day.
Visits and follow-ups will be recorded and supervised by the Medical Officer of the UPHC and TELEMEDICINE service will be integrated wherever needed. The number of teams will be increased in the next few days as the situation develops,” added Rao.

Vadodara hospitals are ready to accommodate patients as covid cases are on the rise for the past many days. Nearly 2,500 beds are empty in hospitals and the administration is fully prepared to tackle the situation.

Dr. Vinod Rao, Officer on Special Duty (OSD) took a review at SSG Hospital with Medical Superintendent and all concerned officials. Against the capacity of 575 beds, only 253 beds are occupied. In 150 ventilator and non-ventilator beds, 93 are occupied and 57 are vacant.

Dr. Rao said, as part of advance planning they decided to increase 50 more ICU beds. He also visited the G1 Ward of the new surgical block and another Ward in the Old Emergency Building and decided to upgrade these facilities into ICU.

He added that presently 3,800 patients are presently under treatment in Baroda and 6,600 beds are available against them. Presently 2,500 empty beds are available in hospitals and more will be raised as per the situation. He requests everyone not to panic and just follow the guidelines to stay safe.

Dr. Vinod Rao also visited the GMERS Hospital at Gotri and took a review of the situation. At present 312 beds out of the capacity of 575 beds are occupied and 263 beds are vacant. Occupancy in ICU beds is 134 out of a capacity of 150.

Dr. Rao said they have decided to upgrade 50 beds on the 4th Floor of the Main Building as ICU. They also decide to activate ESI Hospital Gotri with a capacity of 50 beds for stable and low-risk patients to be admitted there.

He further added that they will be mobilizing required manpower, types of equipment, and resources for future requirements even if the numbers increase.

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