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Vadodara: Commissioner of Police demands probe at odds with Oasis NGO

The ACP of Crime Branch Vadodara has been assigned an inquiry from the Commissioner of Police, Vadodara City. The ACP will begin by conducting an inquiry regarding the Oasis NGO, following the citizens demands for registration cancellation of the organization.

A press release from the crime branch states, a girl affiliated with the Oasis at Vadodara City got raped at Vaccination Ground, following which the victim took her own life. The Chief Trustee, along with other young women at the organization despite being aware of the incident did not inform the police, leaving the victims’ family in neglect.

The young lady faced its consequences and lost her life, whereas contradicting news got published about the organization in the media. Considering these shreds of evidence, some citizens and organizations took it to the Commissioner, demanding to immediately cancel the registration of the organization.

Following the same, the ACP Crime Branch Vadodara has started investigating the case in detail. 

Written by:
Isha Mehta 

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