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Local University partners with various organizations to launch initiatives to empower the young in rural communities and villages

With its drive towards bettering and building communities, this Vadodara based University has been taking up numerous initiatives dedicated towards empowering the younger generation.  The University’s social responsive cell recently took up various projects which include ‘Killol Vidhyamandir’ street school project, ‘Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna’ for girl child and ‘Bal Milan’ to promote social cultural activities among children. One of these initiatives includes its recently implemented Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna across different local communities to help in the economic empowerment of the girl child. Through this initiative the University set up 251 bank accounts for the girls in the local village communities. The goal behind this scheme is to encourage parents to build a fund for the future education of their young girls. In addition to this, the Cell went on to organize the “Bal Milan” a gathering of school children from rural communities to encourage them to participate in sports and cultural activities for a healthy and active lifestyle. Around 200 children from different schools of Waghodiya took part in this program. Some of the programs include sports 100-200 meter running races, and other athletic games and sports for the boys and girls. The program was sponsored by SARAF food Ltd., Waghodia Industries Association and Krishna Coconut. 

Amongst these initiatives, the University also recently initiated the Street School Project at Killol Vidhyamandir which is located in the slum area near Vishwamitri Bridge.  This initiative was made possible through the partnership with Don Bosco Snehalaya which is a children’s home that has been providing shelter to young children on the railway platforms who are in need of care and protection. The street school was named Killol which is a Gujarati word that means to provide a joyful environment to children for their holistic development during their childhood. Killol Vidhyamandir is an education center for children that provides basic education and gives assistance with school work. The center is managed by a team of experienced teachers who will be giving support and guidance to the children for 2 hours of ongoing lessons six days a week.

During the inauguration, Dr. Geetika, Medical Director & Chairperson of the University’s Social Responsive Cell shared that “Every step towards providing education is like a seed that is planted in the soil which will grow to become a tree one day therefore it is our responsibility to nurture these young ones and open their eyes to the value of education “.


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