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24 March World Tuberculosis Day-2023: TB can be cured with timely and proper treatment

Vision of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to make India TB free by 2025

The theme of this year’s World Tuberculosis Day is – ‘Yes WE Can End TB’

8,653 TB patients in Vadodara city-district: 7455 TB patients cured Nutritional food for TB patients Rs. 500 assistance.

About 1525+ patients receive nutritional kits every month through ‘Nikshay Mitra’ through public partnership. Vadodara, Thursday, March 23, 2023 TB disease is not only a public health problem. It is also an economic and social problem of the country as well as the society. TB (tuberculosis) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This disease mainly affects the lungs.


However, TB can also occur in other parts of the body. When the tuberculosis bacterium affects the lungs, it is called pulmonary tuberculosis. TB in any part of the body other than the lungs is known as extrapulmonary TB. As such, it is found in lymph nodes, bones, joints, genitourinary tract and nervous system, intestines etc. The diagnosis of a typical type of TB disease is made by microscopy of two sputum samples from the patient. For which a designated microscopic center is functioning at all urban and rural primary health centers, all government hospitals in the state, in which TB disease is diagnosed free of cost.


Apart from this, a well-equipped laboratory with 5 CBNAT machines and 6 TruNAT machines is also functioning in Vadodara city and district for the diagnosis of stubborn TB. Treatment of this disease is available free of charge in all government hospitals. Treatment of mild type of TB is 6 months while treatment of severe type of TB is 9 to 24 months. Short-term care is arranged near the patient’s residence by DOTS providers such as trained ASHA workers, Anganwadi workers, health workers, community volunteers, TB recoveries etc. to TB patients.


If TB disease is treated regularly, TB can be cured for sure. When an untreated patient coughs or sneezes, the TB germ is thrown into the air as fine droplets and can infect another healthy person. Tuberculosis control program has been implemented in the state since 1962. Every year On March 24, all the states and districts of the country celebrate ‘World Tuberculosis Day’ by organizing various awareness programs about tuberculosis. On March 24, 1882, Dr. A scientist named Robert Cocke discovered ˝Mycobacterium tuberculosis˝, the causative agent of TB disease.


So every year 24th March is celebrated as ‘World Tuberculosis Day’. Through which an elaborate program and necessary suggestions and slogans are given every year through the Central TB Division of the Government of India to activate public participation in the fight against the disease of TB. The theme of this year’s World Tuberculosis Day is ‘Yes WE Can End TB’. According to the Global TB Report-2022, India accounts for one-fourth of the world’s TB cases. A total of 1,51,881 TB patients have been identified in Gujarat in the year 2022. Out of which, 8653 TB patients are from Vadodara city-district. 7455 TB patients have been cured in Vadodara city district in the year – 2022.


Public awareness programs are being conducted by the Health Department for quick identification of TB patients. Patients with suspected symptoms of TB such as cough for more than 2 weeks, weight loss, low grade fever, night sweats – are being immediately diagnosed at the nearest government health center. Health workers are also being guided to detect suspected TB patients during their shifts for early diagnosis. ‘Nikshaya Diwas’ is celebrated on 24th of every month at every urban and rural primary health center to increase awareness about symptoms of TB, increase coverage of available services, increase public awareness that TB can be cured with regular treatment and increase community participation.


Under the Nikshay Nutrition Scheme by the Government of India, for the purpose of providing nutritious food to all TB patients, Rs. 500/- assistance is provided through DBT. An innovative initiative called “Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan” has been launched by the government to accelerate TB eradication efforts. Under this campaign, the corporate sector, voluntary organizations, elected public representatives, political parties, organizations are organized to provide nutritional food, vocational support, diagnosis and other necessities to TB patients. Under which more than 1525 patients are given nutritional kits every month in Vadodara city and district by various donors and Nikshay Mitra.


Efforts are being made by the system to get more and more corporate sector, voluntary organizations, elected public representatives, organizations to join the TB eradication program as Nikshay Mitra. The ‘TB Preventive Treatment’ program has been started by the government from the year 2022 for the prevention of TB disease. In which all the persons who came in contact with the pulmonary TB patient are being examined and given the necessary treatment to prevent TB in the future. It is important that the state government under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Bhupendrabhai Patel is working with commitment to realize the vision of Prime Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi to eradicate TB from India by the year 2025, then let us become Sahu Nikshay Mitra and support in eradicating TB disease.

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