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Less is More? #WorldUsabilityDay

There is an old proverb that states, “It’s usually hardest to accomplish the simplest things.” It seems illogical at first glance. Let’s examine the reasons for this, though.

Everyone has experienced it before. When faced with an issue that appears unsolvable, we wrack our brains in an attempt to find a solution for hours, days, or even weeks.

The solution suddenly emerges in a burst of inspiration, and it appears so clear that we are amazed we missed it the first time.

Everybody has seen something that appears so graceful and easy, only to find out later that it was actually rather difficult. Things that look simple on the outside but are actually rather complicated on the inside have a certain attraction, whether they be new ideas, scientific discoveries, or works of art.

It’s challenging to make complicated things appear simple, which is one of the reasons why so many people choose simplicity. To break anything down and reduce it to its most basic components requires a great deal of effort and commitment. When executed flawlessly, the outcome may be exquisite and lovely. However, if done incorrectly, the outcome might be perplexing and annoying.

The Allure of Complexity

It may give us the impression that we belong to an exclusive club or are among a select few who have a deeper understanding than others. It might also give us the impression that we know more than others. We must be intelligent enough to manage anything that comes our way if we can comprehend anything difficult.

Why Simplicity Is Appealing

Though minimalism is also appealing in other ways. There is a certain allure to things that are simple to grasp in a world where complexity is a constant. In a world where there are a lot of demands and contradicting facts, we long for clarity. Additionally, it seems like a breath of fresh air when we discover something basic.

The Challenge of Simplifying Complex Things

It’s simple to think that someone who is successful at their work makes it appear smooth from the outside looking in. But the truth is that most worthwhile endeavours are difficult, and creating the illusion of ease in them is a kind of artistic expression. Some people, like world-class athletes or renowned doctors and painters, have an innate ability to simplify complex concepts.

The majority of these professionals, put a lot of effort in perfecting their profession. Even though they could give the impression that whatever they’re doing is simple, it usually takes years of practise and continuous improvement.

It All Comes Into Play

Something gets more comfortable and instinctive the more we do it. Professionals who do tasks quickly, whether they are freelancers or not, do so because they are skilled at making complex tasks appear easy.

Creating a gripping story, cooking a perfect roti, or creating a classic design like Apple’s. While doing those things successfully isn’t impossible, it also isn’t simple. And that’s what sets them apart from others.

Simplicity in art may be misleading. Even if the most exquisite sculptures or paintings appear to have been made simply, they required years of practise to become just perfect. There’s always going to be more to everything than meets the eye, so just because something seems simple doesn’t mean it is.

Often, achieving simplicity requires going through a strict procedure that eliminates everything extraneous until only the necessities are left.

Clean designs are so basic because they concentrate only on the most important components; they are uncomplicated and straightforward to understand. It’s not at all simple to get this degree of simplicity.

Optimistic Thinking

Deciding how much to simplify is one of the hardest aspects of making complex things appear deceptively easy. It requires careful balance. We don’t want to over-explain, on the one hand. However, we don’t want to simplify things to the point that our meaning is misunderstood.

People are aware that less is more, thus they frequently aim for simplicity. However, they might not always be aware of how challenging it is to make something appear easy.

True design simplicity necessitates careful planning and close attention to detail.

The next time we see anything exquisitely made, we should keep in mind that years of refining probably went into making it simple. Thank you for all the hard work that made it appear so simple.

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