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Sindhrot dam—a place where the night masks more than just shadows.

–An Article By Poojan Patel


A screenshot of Prasad’s blog

“Me and the couple ahead of me saw a girl standing on the opposite side of the road under a tree. standing still, looking very straight. I reduced my speed and so did the couple ahead of me. no. 5 overtook us. and we stopped looking at the girl just in front of her. She was wearing a kurta pajama with a chunri. her hair and chunri and the lower part of the kurta was blowing in the wind. (BUT THERE WAS NO WIND AT ALL). everything in her was shadowed. her face was half built. half eyes, half nose, cut lips. as if somebody left a statue of a girl half made. she was making a whispering sound saying go back go back don’t enter the village with girls….her voice was echoing.”  

In the heart of Gujarat, a short distance from Vadodara lies the small settlement of Sindhrot. It boasts a scenic dam that draws visitors seeking tranquility during the day. However, as the sun sets and night descends, the atmosphere transforms into an eerie stillness, casting a chilling shadow over the otherwise serene surroundings.

Despite numerous haunted places being shrouded in countless rumors, Sindhrot stands out with a singular, spine-chilling story. Witnesses brave enough to explore the area at night recount a haunting encounter with a mysterious figure—a girl draped in traditional Indian attire, Salwar-Kameez-Dupatta. What sets her apart is the unsettling half-built appearance, with one side of her face charred, resembling a partially completed statue frozen in time.

Prasad Chavan, who braved the night, shares his harrowing experience. “She does not appear publicly every time. She becomes visible only on moonless nights, which was unfortunately the night we were there,” Prasad recounts. “She harms the boys who bring a girl with them along with other boys and warns the lonely couples not to come here and play with a girl. But this happens only once a month on moonless nights. On rest days, she is not visible but is active in those areas.”

This spectral presence remains motionless until approached, at which point she unleashes a bone-chilling scream, echoing through the silence: “Go Back.” Her booming voice warns against entering the village with female companions, leaving a lingering sense of dread in the air.

This unnerving phenomenon has been reported repeatedly, discouraging solo visits and prompting locals to caution against exploring the area alone. The darkness enveloping the dam and the hushed waters contribute to the prevailing sense of unease, heightening the eerie ambiance that blankets the place.

If you’re tempted to experience this paranormal mystery, our advice is to venture forth with a companion. Share your own encounters or thoughts on such mysterious places in the comments below—Sindhrot awaits.

Prasad Chavan’s account sheds light on the ghostly guardian’s nocturnal agenda. It seems she seeks retribution against those who dare disturb the desolate tranquility of her domain. As Prasad attests, her warnings echo through the night, a stark reminder that the dam harbors secrets best left undisturbed.

Source: https://theshadowlands.net/ghost/ghost435.html

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