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Late marriage can be one of the causes of breast cancer: Suresh H. Advani

Doctor Suresh H. Advani is a pioneer in medical oncology in India. Based in Mumbai, Dr. Advani has helped many people recover from cancer in his long career. The wheelchair-bound doctor has also been awarded Padma Bhushan (2002) and Padma Shri (2002) by the government because of his work in oncology.

The eminent doctor was in the field was in Vadodara to attend a medical conference of OnvoVad 2019 organized by HGC Cancer Center on the occasion of World Cancer Day.

He talked to us about his long experience in the field. He says, “Breast cancer in the last 5 years has increased immensely, especially in the US. 1 in 8 people gets cancer in the USA. In Mumbai, it is 1 in 28. In a small town in India, the ratio is 1 in 100. There are many factors for this, including what you are eating. In the US and in Mumbai, there’s a lot of consumption of fast food as compared to a small town where people eat fresh and exercise more. The other reason is that the age of marriage in the USA is late for women. In Europe, the average age of women getting the first child is 35. In Mumbai, the age at which women get married is 25-30. Which means that the natural function of the breast is hampered. And women are used to a sedentary lifestyle in big cities like Mumbai and out of India.”

Advani also states that sometimes women are afraid to come forward when they have breast cancer. He says, “It used to be the case that women came to the clinic only late at night after there are less patients. There was a fear complex about them losing their breasts. But now thankfully, women are coming in and being diagnosed early.”

He says about the very high cost of cancer treatments, “The key to successful cancer treatment is an early diagnosis. If a patient comes forward with their prognosis as soon as they see a symptom, the treatment is easier and the cost is lower.”

The doctor says early detection is best way to battle any cancer, and if women feel a lump of any kind in their breast, they should get a mamography done at the earliest possible time.

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