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Wearing a mask is compulsory now

Today after Ahmedabad municipal corporation, Vadodara municipal corporation made wearing of masks compulsory. The World Health Organization has declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic and the Government of India has directed State Government to take necessary steps to prevent and control the spread of this is under the Epidemic Disease Act 1897 .

In Vadodara city, more than 100 positive coronavirus cases are reported and it is necessary for the public interest to take adequate steps to further stop the spread of COVID-19. Several studies state that the wearing of facial masks can reduce the spread of coronavirus substantially therefore today Vadodara Municipal Corporation made wearing masks compulsory in the city. A penalty of Rs. 1000 will be levied on the first time violation, later all subsequent violations will attract a penalty of Rs.5000 in each case. Failure to pay the penalty will attract prosecution under section 188 of Indian Penal Code and provisions of the Pandemic Disease Act 1897

There is no compulsion to wear a medical mask,even covering of nose and mouth with a handkerchief by tying it properly will be considered.

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