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What’s allowed? What’s now allowed?

Highlights of the notification of Lockdown 4.0

MHA issues order to further extend #lockdownindia till 31.05.2020, to fight #COVID19 New guidelines have permitted considerable relaxations in #Lockdown4 restrictions. States to decide various zones, taking into consideration parameters shared by the Ministry of Health

  • Domestic & International travel, metro rail services prohibited
  • All schools, colleges, cinema halls, shopping malls, hotels, bars & restaurants to remain shut.
  • Social/political gatherings to remain prohibited States to decide Red, Green, Orange zones
  • States to decide on inter & intrastate movements
  • No relaxation in the containment zones Religious/places of worship to remain shut
  • States/Union Territories may prohibit certain activities in various zones
  • States may impose restrictions as deemed necessary
  • Stadiums & sports complexes allowed to open but spectators will not be allowed.
  • Restaurants permitted to keep the kitchen open for home delivery
  • Salons not included in the list of establishments/activities that will remain prohibited under MHA’s #Lockdown4 guidelines. Means, unless a state guideline or the one issued by the DM says otherwise, haircut will be eminently possible.
  • Local authorities should ensure that Eligible shops and markets open with staggered timings, to ensure social distancing. All shops shall also have to ensure six feet distance among customers and also not allow more than 5 persons at one time.
  • Night curfew between 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. to remain in #Lockdown 4
  • Persons above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidities, pregnant women, and children below the age of 10 years, shall stay at home till 31st May, except for essential and health purposes: MHA
  • Offences and Penalties for violation of #Lockdown4 measures, issued under Disaster Management Act 2005
  • National Directives for #COVID19 Management and Standard Operating Procedure documents issued by MHA.

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