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‘Aadhaar Card’ became ‘aadhaar’ (support) for a woman to reunite with her family

The ‘fingerprint’ provided for registration in the Aadhaar card has become a means of reunion of her family for a Rajasthani woman. Bhavnagar Women’s Center successfully reunited a mentally unstable woman with her family who had arrived in Gujarat from Rajasthan a year and a half ago by mistake. The reunion of a mentally unstable woman who came to Gujarat from Rajasthan a year and a half ago by mistake, to Palitana, Bhavnagar district, and Sakhi One Stop Center has made it possible to reunite with her family in Rajasthan.

A mentally unstable woman between the ages of 40 and 45 was inadvertently found by the staff of Sakhi One-Stop Center in Botad district about a year and a half ago during the lockdown period. The woman was not in a position to speak to counsel a stranger. So she was kept at Nari Kendra, Palitana. The Rajasthani woman was well cared and her condition improved slightly due to the continuous counseling. This woman did not know Gujarati or Hindi language and only spoke the Rajasthani language creating a barrier for the staff.

If this woman gives any clue or clue, her family can be traced. In the midst of this ordeal, the staff of the Women’s Protection Center conducted a medical examination of the woman and gave her the necessary treatment so that she could provide any information about her family. After that, the Rajasthani woman was constantly counseled and an attempt was made to get information about her family. But she was not in a position to give any information about herself.

In order for the dependent woman to be reunited with her family by the manager of Nari Samrakshan Kendra, Palitana if she has given her fingerprint for the Aadhaar card, the collector’s permission to bring this woman to Bhavnagar based on the idea of ​​getting details of where the woman is based on this fingerprint. Also, the Aadhaar card office checked whether his fingerprint was attached to any Aadhaar card. Fortunately, the fingerprints of this woman from Rajasthan were found attached to another Aadhaar card. Based on this, it was found out that the woman was from Dhavaria village in the Udaipur district of Rajasthan.

After receiving the details, it was learned that the name of this Rajasthani woman is Lakshmibai and she was approached by Women’s Centre Palitana at the Sakhi One-Stop Center in Rajasthan to contact her. When the father learned about his daughter, he was shocked to learn that his daughter was alive. Based on this information, the District Women and Child Officer, Bhavnagar office intensified efforts to reunite Lakshmiben with her family.

Also, all the details of Lakshmiben were sent along with the photo of the Aadhaar card through the cooperation of  ‘Sakhi One-Stop Center’ at Udaipur. On the basis of which Sakhi One-Stop Center, Udaipur contacted Lakshmiben’s family in Dhavaria village of Udaipur district on the basis of these details and informed them that Laxmiben was safe at Palitana, a women’s center in Bhavnagar district of Gujarat. In Lakshmiben’s life without a family of one and a half years. Her family was overjoyed to receive this information. Lakshmiben was immediately taken to Udaipur Sakhi One-Stop Center along with the staff of Nari Kendra, Palitana after getting information about her family and was reunited with her family.

Seeing Lakshmiben a year and a half later, she was greeted by his family with tears of joy and thanked the entire Bhavnagar district administration for reuniting his daughter with the family. Thus, with the help of excellent coordination between the District Women and Child Officer’s Office, Bhavnagar Vigilance, Nari Kendra, Palitana’s understanding, and ‘Sakhi One-Stop Center, Udaipur’ wisdom and Aadhaar card service, it became possible for Lakshmiben to be reunited with her family.

Thus, with the hard work of Sakhi One-Stop Center and the grooming of Nari Kendra, Lakshmiben, was reunited with her family through the fingerprints attached to the Aadhaar card.

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