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ASI to re-repair the damaged iconic dome of MSU

Sometime back we did a story on ASI’s negligence. Thankfully it has come to the notice of the right officials and they have taken steps to control the damage and amend their ways.

Dome of MSU is Asia’s second largest masonry dome, and is very important part of Vadodara’s cultural heritage. This dome along with two other subsidiary domes around it were damaged while those who were responsible for erecting scaffolding around the dome drilled holes on this heritage structure.

ASI will fill up 110 holes that have been drilled on the dome. K Ojha who is MSU in-charge registrar commented that ASI has realised and taken the responsibility of correcting their mistake, there will be a committee of officials from MSU and ASI who will be keeping constant watch so as to make sure the project is carried out smoothly and properly.


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