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Bhailal Amin General Hospital under scanner over linkage of COVID-19 cases

The Vadodara Municipal Corporation Commissioner, Nalin Upadhyay, has formed a committee of three doctors to check the hospital premises in-person for making sure whether the COVID-19 guidelines are followed or not. The committee includes: 1) Dr. R.V Pathak, Regional Deputy Director 2) Dr. Varsha Godbole, Dean- GMERS Gotri 3) Dr. Himanshu Rana, Associate Professor- SSG Hospital

This step is taken by VMC after the contact tracing of around 12 COVID-19 positive patients when it was found that they were directly or indirectly linked to BAGH hospital. The first case linked to the hospital directly was when a doctor was tested positive for COVID-19, followed by his wife who also practices at the hospital. Later, series of positive patients including intern doctor, nurse and other people working at hospital were tested positive. A person deployed by an agency at the hospital for housekeeping was tested positive. He also works at a company delivering grocery online.

The committee has to submit the report to VMC by the evening of 17th May

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