Vadodara City Congress former President Prashant Patel said that they had gathered today to raise the grievances of people and an application was handed over…
Posts published in “COVID-19 Vadodara”
Hundreds of people lined up outside the Zydus Hospital in Ahmedabad to get their hands on the anti-viral Remdesivir injections. After supplying 5,000 vials to…
A musical party was organized at a farmhouse in Padra on the occasion of the wedding ceremony of the bride. Gujarati film actress Mamta Soni…
Railway stations of the Vadodara division are maintaining strict Covid 19 adherence to prevent the transition and smooth flow of operations. Five important long-distance trains…
The twins, who had lost their mother after being born a month and a half ago defeated corona after getting 15 days of treatment at…