Riddhi Kadam, a triathlete from Vadodara, has achieved a successful and promising achievement. She has been selected for trial-camp by the Indian Triathlon Federation in…
Posts published in “Entertainment”
For the first time in Vadodara, Minimal Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) performed successfully on two young patients at Parul Sevashram Hospital Cardiac surgeries are commonly…
In the first nine months of operation of over bridge rooftop solar power plant on Akota-Dandia market pool in Vadodara city in the whole of…
On the occasion of the golden jubilee, ‘Suryaputri Tapi Maiya’ was worshipped for the longevity of the Ukai Dam. The Ukai project’s water gets utilized…
Adding on to its marks of quality in healthcare provision and administration, city-based Parul Sevashram Hospital has once again been recognized for its efforts in…