When you hear “Gujarat”, which are the cities that first come to your mind? Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Vadodara right? Well there’s one city that you…
Posts published in “Story”
The Unique Story of the Nursing Staff Sisters of the New Civil Hospital Performing Their Duties with Full Psychological, Social and Medical Dedication. Despite battling…
Riddhi Kadam, a triathlete from Vadodara, has achieved a successful and promising achievement. She has been selected for trial-camp by the Indian Triathlon Federation in…
Disregarded and decaying ghats of Vishwamitri, see a ray of hope this Diwali as hundreds of diyas and colorful rangolis ornament the ghats in the…
The State Transport system is planning additional buses to help people travel about during the Diwali celebrations. During Diwali, more buses will go to Saurashtra,…