Sunny Vasava, a young boy living with his family under Vishwamitri Bridge, has been selected to represent Vadodara at the National Level Junior Golf Tournament.…
Posts published in “Story”
Post the heavy downpour on 31st July that crippled the lives of many in Vadodara, a Warasiya woman was tested positive for leptospirosis at Sayaji…
It all begins with choosing the right idol to bring home. With an overwhelming majority of Ganesha idols are made using material that harms the…
Aggressive discounts, killer penalties and an all-time low profit margin later, Zomato may now find it a tad bit difficult to introduce the ‘Gold’ scheme…
Lakhan (name changed), a 10 year old fatally-ill kid, fulfilled his only wish to become a Police Officer with the help of Vadodara Police and…