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Coronavirus is a pandemic that has crashed economies and overwhelmed the health centers. The daily death cases have put the nations in a lockdown, where people are thronged at hospitals and have been asked to isolate themselves at homes than be at public spaces.

There is a constant rise in cases, lack of kits, doctors are getting infected, hospitals are running out of beds and masks, daily essentials has become a luxury, schools, and colleges are shut, offices are shut, the leaders of the world are conducting conferences through video calls, is something no one saw it coming.

When Europe had started the lockdown, maybe the world looked at America to be the Avenger and help save humanity again from this end-game-like plot. But even the American health systems failed. The outcome is devastating as we can see it on news channels.

There have been several cures across the globe, but the number of positive cases has tipped the scale and the world towards panic, uncertainty, anxiety and a lot of stress. The pandemic has increased the cases of unemployment in the nation, affected the poor- especially the migrant laborers and the farmers. Whatever the step would have been, the country as a whole would have still suffered. The virus doesn’t recognize class and caste and affects everyone nonetheless.

Ending the virus for once and for all is currently based upon the finding of a vaccine. Until then, the virus will persist somewhere and start off a chain of positive cases again as it has begun in China, Singapore, and other countries.

There can be various outcomes to this scenario.

The first scenario can be that all the nations come together and bring the virus to heel like it was done with SARS in 2003.

The second scenario could be to let the virus spread and leave behind immune survivors but, it’ll cost the world, a myriad of corpses and broken-down health systems. No country would want to face such dire consequences of a pandemic.

The third possible scenario could be stamping out and curbing the outbreaks in different parts of the world until the vaccine is produced. But it’ll certainly take a lot of time.

Currently, there are no existing vaccines for coronaviruses in the world. Possible vaccines that are being created are under clinical trials and testing. These trials will ascertain if the vaccine is safe or has any side effects after a long time, the dosages and number of shots to be given, if it’ll work on the elderly, what other chemical boosts are to be given along with this vaccine, etc. It needs to check if the immunity system is affected or not and it actually prevents the COVID-19 infection.

The Moderna is using a new approach to make the vaccine by providing the human body with inactivated viruses, which will allow our immune system to prepare its defenses. The body will use this sliver of the virus to build its own immunity system. This approach has as of yet has worked on animals but unproven in humans. On the other hand, the French scientists are modifying the measles vaccine using fragments of coronavirus. If it works and hundreds and thousands of dosages are needed then there are plants that would know how to produce it and get the cure faster and make it available at multiple places.

For the time being, it’ll take time to form the vaccines, ship it in different countries and then inject it.

In the meanwhile, if the current social-distancing and self-isolation ebb the spread, then things could go back to normalcy for a short period of time. But there will have to be multiple lockdowns with varying time periods. All this would depend on two variable factors – first being the seasonality. Will the summers kill the virus and save the earth from an impending doomsday? But only time will tell this. The second factor is the immunity. When affected with milder coronaviruses which causes cold-like symptoms, patients tend to be immune for less than a year. But those who have tested positive for the original SARS virus, which is far more severe, they tend to be immune for a much longer time. The scientists will carry out further tests to confirm these and if it makes the corona warriors immune for a longer period of time then they can contribute to the welfare of the society by caring for the vulnerable or going to work and spreading awareness.

During these lockdown periods, hospitals can try to stock-up on their necessary supplies and kits.

Whether by letting it spread out completely or by curbing it with a vaccine, it’s unlikely that the virus will disappear anytime soon. As time will progress, the vaccine will have to be updated too as the virus will keep on changing. People might have to get revaccinated on a more regular basis just like normal flu.

Perhaps after a few years when there is a vaccine, COVID-19 might seem just like the flu today. It might become so mundane that we might totally forget about it. But it might make an occasional presence during the winters.

For the time being let’s follow social distancing and stay at home. Let’s pledge to wear a mask whenever we are in public, cover our mouth when we cough or sneeze, wash our hands properly for 20 seconds and try to stay safe.

One Comment

  1. Sania Ayushi Sania Ayushi April 16, 2020

    That’s a great write-up! Considering how one country has always represented it’s reach in saving the world, I think we are doing a better job.

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