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Covid Control: A meeting was held by CM Bhupendra Patel with veteran and high-profile experts in Gandhinagar

A meeting with expert doctors, ministers, and senior secretaries was held in Gandhinagar under the leadership of Shri Bhupendra Patel, Chief Minister of Gujarat. An expert panel has been formed to assist the government to control COVID-19 cases and also the line of treatment.

In the meeting, it was decided that an intensive campaign will be done to spread awareness considering the tagline ‘Social Distance-Mask-Sanitize’ (SMS). The survey doctors will be conducting the awareness campaign of wearing masks, maintaining social distance, frequent handwashing, and avoiding crowded places. The doctors made it clear that the severity of the current state of the transmission of the virus is dangerous, the message should reach the masses very loud and clear. Widespread adoption of the  Janardhan Swayamsevak  ‘Social Distance, Mask and Sanitizer’ (SMS) would require time. 

Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel said that the state government would take necessary steps for such public awareness. Not only that, based on the experiences of the first two waves of COVID-19 infection control and treatment, the government will systematically adopt a strategy to streamline the health services structure in the state in the coming days and vaccinate all the remaining people quickly.

He is hoping that every person in the state would wear a mask, social distance, and sanitizer and that doctors would also be involved in the awareness with the state government. The meeting was attended by Health Minister Hrishikesh Patel, Minister of State Nimishabahen, and experts from the Expert Group of Doctors. Dr. V. N. Shah, Sudhir Shah, R. K. Patel, Ami Parikh, Tushar Patel, Atul Patel, and Dileep Mavalankar presented their experiences of the treatment of COVID-19, Omicron patients and the findings of the possible situation in the coming days.

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