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Death rate of birds lesser than last year during the Uttarayan

Under the Jeev Daya policy of the state government, a ten-day Karuna campaign 2021 was carried out to save the birds. The campaign was run with the joint planning of the Animal Husbandry and Forest Department and in collaboration with animal welfare organizations concluded on the 20th January 2021.

During these ten days, a total of 1,468 animal birds, including 599 animals and 869 birds, including those injured by kite, warp, and sickness due to eating ghoogri, were given appropriate life-saving treatment by the medical teams. Despite the hard work, 37 birds died due to fatal injuries.

Giving information about this, Deputy Director of District Panchayat Animal Husbandry Department Dr. Prakash Darji said, due to public awareness and cooperation this year, the death rate of birds has been negligible as compared to last year, i.e. around 4.25%. There were more than 2,500 cases of injury last year, which has also dropped significantly. Animal welfare organizations along with 17 offices of Animal Husbandry and Forest Department were involved in this life-saving campaign.

As part of the campaign, medical teams performed bone pinning surgery, muscle stitches, and necessary dressings and bandages on birds that had suffered mostly fractures.

He said that advanced vicryl is used for stitches of injured birds so that the stitches don’t snap and these stitches automatically dissolve in the body as the wound heals.

As part of the campaign, the Forest Department has started a shelter at Sayaji Bagh Nursery to keep injured birds under treatment, 480 injured pigeons are recovering while 381 fully recovered pigeons have been released in the sky.

Tanisha Choudhary

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