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Draft Policy: Preventing and Controlling Cattle Cruelty 2023

The proposed Draft Policy 2023 aims to address key issues related to the prevention and control of cattle cruelty. The policy focuses on various aspects, including permits and licenses, RFID tagging of cattle, responsibilities of livestock owners, procedures for seized and unclaimed cattle, establishment of animal hostels, and other important considerations. By implementing these measures, the policy seeks to promote the well-being and proper care of cattle, while also addressing concerns related to public safety and the efficient management of livestock.

  1. Permits and Licenses: Under the policy, individuals keeping animals for personal use will be required to obtain a permit, while commercial users engaging in activities such as milk selling or other commercial purposes involving animals will need to acquire a license. The duration of this license will be three years, and a renewal fee will be applicable. Registered charitable trusts and government-approved institutions will be exempt from license and permit fees.
  2. RFID Chip and Tag for Cattle: Livestock owners bringing animals from outside the city will need to register their animals, attach RFID chips and tags, and obtain the necessary permit and license. All animals residing within the city will be required to have RFID chips and tags. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in penalties and potential confiscation of animals.
  3. License for Selling Fodder: Individuals or organizations involved in selling grass within the city will need to obtain a license. The license will document details such as the source of fodder and entities engaged in selling it.
  4. Responsibilities of Livestock Owners: The policy emphasizes that all responsibilities regarding livestock rest with the owners. In cases where livestock causes damage to public property, owners will be held liable and subject to civil penalties for recovery of damages. Repeat offenses may result in the seizure of livestock, revocation of licenses and permits, and a ban on keeping livestock.
  5. Procedures for Seized and Unclaimed Cattle: Cattle that are useful for dairy, agriculture, or other purposes can be auctioned to beneficiaries outside the city through a public auction. Unclaimed cattle may also be sent to cattle pounds. Needy farmers can receive essential animals free of cost, facilitating their farming activities.
  6. Establishment of Animal Hostels: Grazing lands outside the city limits will be made available for the establishment of animal hostels. The state government will provide financial assistance for the capital cost, maintenance, and other expenses related to the hostels. Management will be carried out in coordination with the relevant departments to ensure proper care and maintenance of the animals.

To respect people’s religious sentiments and prevent cattle from grazing on roads, individuals can contribute money to City Civic Centers, which will be utilized for feeding the cattle. During religious festivals, cattle can be fed through designated cattle troughs across the city.

An Animal Helpline will be established to address queries, provide guidance, and conduct awareness activities related to cattle health, care, and maintenance.

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