Today morning Narendra Modi took it to his twitter handle where he urged the citizens to share selfies with indigenous products on Namo App and make payments via UPI. While scrolling through twitter yesterday, one would have come across an advertisement shared by the prime minister where “Anupamaa” performers Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna advocate supporting small businesses. This is an advertisement encouraging people to purchase local. The popular actors returned to their roles as ‘Anupamaa’ and ‘Anuj’. It took us back to the ‘Swadeshi’ days.
The Beginnings
The Aurobindo Philosophy
Celebrating the Indigenous and Promoting Atmanirbharta
The word ‘local’ emphasises the significance of both big and small kirana businesses. The local movement may be seen as an attempt to revive demand and, as a result, provide some kind of safety net for the small scale businesses struggling to survive. Self-sufficiency is exceptional because of the specialisations and affordable prices. Indian FMCG companies, particularly those in the food sector, have been adhering to the localization or ‘Vocal for Local’ initiative.
The call for local movement can also be seen as a catalyst to revive demand during a period when we are having global difficulty in maintaining liquidity and consistent cash flow. This will help the small and marginal domestic industries that are struggling to survive.
12 બાળકોની યાદોમાં પરિવારોના આંસુ હજી સુકાતા નથી! પીકનીકની એ સફર મોતની સફર…
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‘GSRTC લાઈવ ટ્રેકિંગ મોબાઈલ એપ્લિકેશન’થી ટ્રેકિંગ કરવું સરળ બન્યું 8 હજારથી વધુ બસોમાં લાઈવ…
જ્ઞાતિવાદ દેશની પ્રગતિમાં બાધારૂપ સૌથી મોટું દુષણ જાતિવાદ સૌ કોઈ કરે છે પણ સ્વીકારતા નથી.…
કાયદા ઘડી કાઢવાથી ભ્રષ્ટાચાર નાબૂદ થવાનો નથી.ભ્રષ્ટાચારનો એક ઝાટકે છેદ ઉડાવવો શક્ય નથી ગુજરાત રાજ્ય…