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Guj govt. announced it plan of action for the possible third wave of Covid19

The Government of Gujarat today announced its action plan for the possibility of a third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in the State.

Gujarat Government announced its plan of action for the possible 3rd wave of Coronavirus. This announcement was made in presence of CM Vijaybhai Rupani, Dy CM Nitibhai Patel and Chief Secretary Anil Mukim.

Health Commissioner Jayprakash Shivhare said that –

  • against maximum daily cases of 14,605 in the second wave, the govt will prepare for 25,000 daily cases.
  • against 1,48,000 maximum active cases in the second wave, the govt will prepare for 2,50,000 active cases.
  • against 1,800 covid hospitals in the second wave, the govt will arrange for 2,400 covid hospitals in the third wave.
  • Oxygen beds will be increased from 61,000 in the second wave to 1,10,000 in the third wave.
  • ICU beds will be increased from 15,000 to 30,000.
  • Against 1,75,000 maximum total tests in a day, 2,50,000 maximum total tests in a day are being planned.
  • Maximum RT-PCR will be up from 70,000 to 12,35,000.
  • The number of RTPCR labs will be increased from 104 to 155.
  • CT Scan facilities will be increased from 18 to 44.
  • For pediatric covid care, there are 2,000 beds in government setup which will be increased to 4,000.
  • Child-friendly wards with facilities of parents/ guardians will be created. These wards will have painted walls and cartoons, toys, games, puzzles, comics, books, and TV with cartoon channels.
  • The number of pediatric ventilators will be increased to 1,000.
  • Govt. will get additional doctors and nurses and make standby arrangements for ready-to-go hospitals. A command and control system will be in place along with a centralized information system for the availability of beds (dashboard).
  • Govt has planned to deploy early forecasting methods, increase surveillance and testing, augment oxygen supply through PSAs and PSUs, keep strategic stock of medicines and drugs, and procure additional ventilators including pediatric ventilators.
  • Probable third wave and its intensity will depend on – vaccination coverage, compliance to covid appropriate behavior, mutations in the virus, and covid waves in other parts of the world.
  • The color-coding guide for the activities allowed and restrictions imposed.

Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani said that the State is preparing for 1,800 metric ton oxygen capacity for the third wave which as per the experts may come in October-November this year. The State has therefore three months for all preparations for the plan of action. Govt has prepared a timeline as per which preparations will be made time-to-time as per the number of cases.

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