Gujarat Meteorological Department issues heavy rainfall warning for next 48 hours

The Meteorological Department of Gujarat has made an important forecast regarding heavy rainfall in the state for the next 48 hours. The department has issued a warning that heavy rainfall is expected in many parts of Gujarat, including the Saurashtra-Kutch region, due to a low-pressure system.

The department has advised people to take necessary precautions and stay indoors during the heavy rainfall. The warning also includes a cautionary note for fishermen to avoid venturing out to sea during this period.

The low-pressure system is likely to cause heavy rainfall in the state, with some areas expected to receive more than 100 mm of rainfall. The department has also warned of strong winds and lightning strikes in some areas.

To prevent the spread of waterborne and mosquito-borne diseases during unseasonal rains, it is important to maintain good hygiene and sanitation practices. Drinking water should be boiled or purified before consumption, and food should be cooked well and stored properly to prevent contamination.

People should also take measures to prevent mosquito breeding by keeping their surroundings clean and free of stagnant water. This can be done by covering water storage containers, clearing gutters, and draining any standing water around the house.

It is important to seek medical attention immediately if symptoms of any waterborne or mosquito-borne disease are observed, such as fever, diarrhea, or skin rashes. By taking these precautions, people can protect themselves and their communities from the health risks associated with unseasonal rains.

Vibhuti Pathak

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