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Here’s how your voting related queries and grievances will be addressed: The Voter Helpline App

Ahead of the upcoming state assembly elections, various teams of the State Election Commission and the District Election system have been working tirelessly to ensure that voters are able to vote conveniently and all facilities are made available to them which can be availed seamlessly. 

Citizens no longer have to rush to election centres or stand in queues for hours just to get their name changed or modified, get their names verified or for any other voter ID related queries. With just one call on the toll free number: 1950, voters can get their issues solved and sorted in a matter of just a few minutes.

The Election Commission started the Voter Helpline facility in 2019 through which an individual can call the toll free universal helpline number 1950 for any queries related to the electoral roll, change in name or address, deletion of a name from the list and to check the status of one’s name on the voter list. However, for the new enrolment facility, assistance via call will be provided to the individual but the enrolment process will not be done in person. 

Citizens of Vadodara have availed this facility to the fullest as according to statistics, in a span of just 15 days, more than 748 calls were received at the Voter Helpline App regarding various queries. Based on reports and data, a large number of queries were on topics such as how the online voter registration form is to be filled, the process for verifying one’s name in the voter list and how one could get information on the status of their voter ID. However, a majority of the calls received on the app were regarding those who did not receive their voter IDs on their registered address. 

Citizens reaching out for assistance through the app are immediately tended to by the staff and are given swift solutions. Furthermore, citizens can also enquire more about which voting booth, centre and area  they need to vote at on the basis of their registered address and Voter ID.

Citizens can also file their grievances, issues and feedback on the website of the Election Commission.  After a complaint or problem is raised by a voter on the National Grievance Redressal System (NGRS), the Election Branch transfers the complaint to the concerned officer of the Assembly. According to reports, starting from 3rd November till the 17th of November, Vadodara’s election-branch has received more than 212 grievances and complaints of which 193 have been disposed of. Since the ratio of the complaint to the solution is 90 percent, the Election Commission and the district election systems are determined to ensure all facilities are made available to voters and the entire process will be carried out smoothly.


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