Vadodara Navapura police sent an accused to Junagadh Jail under PASA for his role in releasing animals in the open and creating a threat to others. This week, it is the second case that got registered, where police detained the accused under PASA. An accused was previously condemned to Bhavnagar Jail under PASA for a similar offense by Chhani police.
The Vadodara Police is now severely enforcing the city’s livestock restrictions. After being hit by animals on the road, citizens got injured, while some lost their lives. Mayor Keyur Rokadia, issued a strong warning to cow owners, stating that if their animals endanger the citizens, they will get prosecuted. This week, under PASA, police transported two of the state’s accused to different jails.
Dinesh alias Dino Khodabhai Rabari, 32, got arrested by Navara police for letting his animals in the open and endangering others. He often got into fights with locals and caused dread. PASA application was sent to the Police Commissioner based on his criminal history, and after acceptance, on December 8, he was sent to the Junagadh jail. He was also charged with three crimes in the Navapura and Raopura police stations.
The Chhani police sent Rohit Bharwad of the Chhani region to Bhavnagar Jail earlier this week for his involvement in a similar offense and instilling fear in the community. He was charged with six other charges in Vadodara and one in Mehsana.
Written by:
Shristi Chatterjee
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