
Local woman slapped a woman enginner of VMC over parking issues

There’s a big pit in the road near Vasna Road, Shobhanagar, which falls under Ward No. 6 of the city. Additional Assistant Executive Engineer, Ashaben Vaghela, and Additional Assistant Executive Engineer, Meghaben Vankar from Water Supply Department, went to inspect the site on a two-wheeler. 

Meghaben parked her two-wheeler on the road and was inspecting the pit. At that time, a local woman arrived at the spot and asked Meghaben to move her two-wheeler. However, the matter got ugly after the local woman kicked the two-wheeler of the engineer and it led to arguments between the two. The woman lashed out at Meghaben and slapped her. Ashaben tried to intervene but the woman also misbehave

Not only that Radhikaben lashed out at Meghaben Vankar and slapped her. At that time Ashabahen Vaghela tried to intervene but Radhika also misbehaved rudely with her. People also gathered around and eventually the matter was referred to J.P Police Station after the women employees of the corporation had lodged a complaint alleging that the local woman had misbehaved and slapped them. Other staff from the ward office also rushed to the spot to help the female staff out.


Tanisha Choudhary

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