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Make in India: Ventilator in Rs 1 lakh

A Rajkot-based CNC machine tools maker built a ventilator with a selling market price of Rs 1 lakh each, versus a ventilator that normally costs Rs 6 lakh each.

Jyoti CNC Automation Ltd, a Rajkot-based company took ten days to build this ventilator, referred to as ‘Dhaman-1’. Dhaman-1 was built keeping in mind the concept of ‘Make in India’ mission. The machinery required several imported parts for building it from scratch, but since the restrictions on import have been imposed by the government, a solution was found through an alternative. It took about 150 engineers and 26 different companies spanning across India to build these pressure controlled ventilators.

The production of these ventilators has already begun, and the company claims of holding the capacity to manufacture up to 10 ventilators every day. Currently, a total of three units have been provided to the government and the company’s chairman, Parakramsinh Jadeja, has further notified that the first batch of an additional 1,000 ventilators will be donated to the Gujarat government for the treatment of people affected by the novel corona virus.

This original-built ventilator was tested on a patient at Ahmedabad Civil hospital on Saturday and the results have shown success in treating the patient. Considering this, Jadeja further informed that after the successful entry of Dhaman-1 in the market, the company will focus on building upgraded versions of the product which would be more powerful.

Update: According to State health department officials, Gujarat state has about 2,761 ventilators in total. With the spread of the corona virus, additional 1,000 ventilators will be purchased separately.

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