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Molestation case registered in Sayajigunj Police Station

A case of molestation has been registered at Sayajiganj Police Station in Vadodara against a man who tried to molest a sleeping 16-year-old girl, the daughter of a trader who had a cloth stall at an exhibition of handicraft cloth at Parsi Agiyari Ground in the city.

A native of Delhi the complainant is a textile trader and has handicraft exhibitions in Delhi and in different places. Meanwhile, they had set up a stall at the Parsi Agiyari compound in Vadodara. He arrived in the city with his 16-year-old daughter and family.

On 21st January the family was asleep near the stall in the night and at that time, a stranger grabbed his sleeping daughter’s mouth and tried to molest her. The girl screamed for help and the accused fled from the spot. Checking the CCTV camera installed in the Parsi Agiyari compound, it was found out that the person was Sukhveer Yadav, who currently resides at Parsi Agiyari Compound and originally from Uttar Pradesh. He was working in the side stall.

Sayajiganj police registered the case of molestation and further investigating the case.

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