

A woman beholds the strength to change the world, what are the odds of life to challenge her?
Such is the story of Sona Ben, a 70 year old widow Mother, Business woman, farm worker and a Home maker. she took up to being an all rounder because of her concern for her Divyang Daughter. She travels all the way to Vadodara from Boriavi near Anand, approximately every alternate day to sell Black Berries (setur) at Rs 10 per pack in the season and works as a farmer for just Rs 50 per day during the off season.

she has always got more than she has asked for, “ Few of my customers surprise me with Rs 200-500 for what costs Rs 10, I have always been treated well and been respected by the people of Vadodara. I only sell in Sayajigunj but never have i had to take home my berries. Seeing the out come I encourage people to not beg and work, as according to me hardwork never disappoints.”

Baa carries the small plastics for the berries in her ‘pallu’ and will carefully advices you to refrigerate the Berries before eating, Just like a mother will!

At the age of 70 she takes care of the needs of her Divyang daughter and has also taught her that even if her legs are not supportive she can stand on her own legs and cope up with today’s world and support herself. “I have taught my daughter to do all the household work like making roti and cooking, It was hard but I had to do it for her betterment” she says.
But as a mother’s heart never settles even for the best for her child, similar is with Sona baa. Her eyes went down with the thought of her daughter in her absence in this world but the believe in her smile when she says “ God will take care of her” says it all.
A mother, a wonder woman.


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