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Narmada river sand smuggling busted in Vadodara district as 18 dumpers and 43 boats seized

Officials from the revenue department, mines, police, and RTO office joined forces in a crackdown on sand smugglers operating along the Narmada River in the Vadodara district. The operation resulted in the seizure of 18 overloaded sand dumpers and 43 boats being used to illegally transport sand.

The crackdown was initiated following complaints that the Bhumafia, a local criminal gang, was mining and transporting sand from the riverbanks in violation of regulations. Collector Atul Gore and Superintendent of Police Mr. Rohan Anand directed a team of administrative officers to conduct the operation.

Under the chairmanship of Provincial Officer Karjan Ashish Miyatra, a coordinated team of officials, including geologist Sunita Arora, Karjan PI AK Bharwad, and RTO CR Patel, conducted a search operation, checking vehicles leaving the sand dumpers at various locations. Out of 70 dumpers filled with sand, 18 were found to be overloaded and were subsequently seized by Mines Officer Sunita Arora, who will penalize the drivers according to their overload capacity.

Karjan police also seized 50 vehicles for violating traffic rules, issuing Rs. 24,500 in spot fines. Additionally, 35 sand dumper drivers were arrested by the R.T.O., and memos were issued, imposing a total of Rs. 4,38,500 in spot fines.

Furthermore, land surveyor Sunita Arora seized 43 canoes being used illegally along the Narmada River in Delwada, Sayer, Kahona, Fatepura, Pura, and Somaj villages. Penal action will be taken as per the rules.

The administrative system and police have taken strict action against illegal sand mining and transportation. Surprise checks will be conducted regularly in the future to prevent illegal activities along the Narmada River.

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