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New Era School’s Principal receives the Global Principal’s Award for her contribution to education

A teacher’s work and achievement created a ripple effect that motivates the students to strive to attain greater heights in their life and career and this has been the driving force behind the teachers of New Era Senior Secondary School. One of such teachers who has positively influenced the lives of thousands of students over the years is Mrs. Leena Nair, the Principal of New Era Senior Secondary School, Vadodara who was recently awarded for her notable contribution to the scope of education in Vadodara. Mrs. Leena Nair received the Global Principals’ Award at a virtual ceremony conducted by the AKS Education Awards.  She is one of the 72 Principals from 31 countries across the globe to have received this prestigious award for the year 2020.

Mrs. Leena Nair has been recognized for her outstanding leadership activities, winner’s spirit, and the significant work and contribution she has made to the field of education over the course of her two and half decade career. In doing so, she has set the right example for her students and other teachers who have been also contributing to the city’s education.

The Global Principal Award of the AKS Education Awards is given out by the Alert Knowledge Services (AKS) foundation that has worked to improve the quality of education by working with schools and colleges for over a decade now. The AKS Education Awards are organized every year to felicitate outstanding educators around the globe for their eminence and effectiveness in teaching, specialized leadership, engagement with the community, and their capacity towards the developmental aspects of educational programs. The Global Principal Award was founded to provide international recognition for prominent principals from all regions and communities around the world. The selection process lasted six months during which the nominees were asked to tender various documents and evidence of their work and achievements to be showcased before an eminent panel of jury members. The final list of 72 award recipients from diverse backgrounds and regions was declared after intense scrutiny of all the details and documentation submitted by the nominees.

On being asked, Mrs. Leena Nair thanked the School Management and the Director Mrs. Priyadarshini Kelkar along with all the stakeholders for their support in her endeavors. She said, “Winning the award has been phenomenal for me and I owe it to all those who have been a part of my journey for the last 26 years of my teaching career.”

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