All Akshay Kumar fans are in for a sheer treat. Every dialogue delivered by Khiladi in the movie is punch line. The Lootera girl, Sonakshi Sinha, again delivers a fine performance and looked simply gorgeous every time she was on screen. It was wonderful to watch Sonali Bendre needless to say she was absolutely brilliant. Imran Khan in the gangster avatar is still cute.
For me, it was the retro setting which was fabulous. Director Milan Luthria has given amazing movies earlier and in my opinion this one should be added to his repertoire of fantastic film. In all measures it is better than any other Bollywood gangster movies I’ve watched recently.
Not having watched the prequel yet I thoroughly enjoyed this sequel. I’d rate it 3.5/5.
It was wonderful to watch Sonali Bendre, needless to say she was absolutely brilliant.
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