It’s been a few days since Zuber Pathan got detained under the PASA act by the city police.
Saloni Mishra, the student leader in MSU alleged that the Pathan group had made acid attack threats on her. The Sayajiganj police booked Zuber Pathan and 7 others in relation to the crime on 27 April and were granted bail on the same day.
Zuber was subsequently arrested under the PASA (Prevention of Anti Social Activities) Act, which lets the police arrest repeat offenders.
Friends and family of Zuber have alleged that he has been falsely accused of his crimes.
Because of the communal element involved in the case, it has been blown to become a national story and has been reported by The
There’s also a petition to quash the PASA and is addressed to the Human
National Human Rights Commission, Government of India, Supreme Court of India, Gujarat Government, Chief Justice of India.
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