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OSD Vinod Rao provides an update on Vadodara’s COVID crisis

OSD Vinod Rao claimed on Thursday that multiple measures are being taken to curb the spread of the virus.

The number of ICU beds at Gotri has been increased to 250, which includes 125 ventilator-equipped beds. Alongside deputing 47 resident doctors from various districts, 137 MBBS interns were also notified to join in and provide COVID-related services.

After meeting various health officials and hospital staff, Vinod Rao also provided an update on the current COVID-related situation in Vadodara. At SSG, 430 beds out of a total of 575 beds are occupied. In the ICU department, 124 Beds out of 200 ICU Beds are occupied while 76 remain vacant. Vinod Rao also reassured the residents of Vadodara that all attempts are being made in order to mobilize resources to fight the pandemic.

Vinod Rao had a meeting with all Department Heads, Doctors, Nurses, and team members at Gotri Hospital. The staff was bifurcated and assigned different roles in an attempt to distribute the workload.

A well-thought list of heads and their roles has been sanctioned:

– Dr. Mayur Adalja will be OPD in-charge

– Dr. Ashish Sachdeva will be in charge of Coordination and Communication with Patients and relatives.

– Dr. Nita Bose will be in charge of Ventilators and Oxygen Management.

– Dr. Hitesh Rathod will coordinate everything related to those who passed away in Hospital.

Additionally, the administration has decided to divide the hospital into 4 Sections headed by a Section Head. The following list denotes the same:

– Dr. Meenakshi Shah will be in charge of Dome Structure.

– Dr. Anup Chandani will be in charge of the 4th Floor

– Dr. Bhavesh Dalvadi will be in charge of the 5th Floor

– Dr. Chirag Rathod will be in charge of the 6th Floor

– Dr. Shubhangi Deshpande will be in charge of the 7th Floor and Casualty ICU

As per Vinod Rao’s orders, these 9 Officers will not only report to the Medical Superintendent but also to Vinod Rao directly twice every day. He added that a Gotri-like model of roles and responsibilities will soon be taken up at the SSG hospital as well.


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