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Lunch Box Review

The Lunch Box – An Immensely Joyous and Heartwarming Experience. Unmissable!   Rating: ****   Ila’s mornings are taken up readying her little daughter for…

Grown Ups 2 Review

Grown Ups 2 Review: A tone-dead, thematically vague film with nothing to say. Adults Gone Juvenile. Rating: * Adam Sandler’s Grown Ups 2, the sequel…

Horror Story Review

An onslaught of terribad performances, sketchily conceived characters with a dismal intelligence level, screechy unscary jump ‘scares’ and dialogues that’ll make C.I.D writers cringe in…

Rotaract Club-Vadodara

This World Literacy Day, we Rotaractors, from the Rotaract Club of Vadodara planned to celebrate it by spreading awareness on the importance of literacy. On…

Mountain Dew Rocks MSU!

11th September, 2013 Fatehgunj At 14:30 pm, soon after students of MS University were relieved from the tension and workload of hectic college hours, they…

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