A disgusting, reprehensible, hugely and openly offensive, tasteless, unfunny, juvenile, repulsive, vulgar and lurid piece of trash. Trash it! Rating: * I have…
United way? The nine glorious nights of ‘Navratri’ to Vadodara is one of the biggest and much awaited festival of the year. Every garba loving…
SOUTH CAFE IN VADODARA So South serves sumptuous variety of First Time every Fusion Dosai from Starters To Desserts…Yep you heard it right…desserts too… Here…
Shuddha Desi Romance – The Sweetest, Realest Desi Love Story of The Year! Go Fall in Love With It! Rating: 4/5 Shuddha Desi Romance is…
Satyagraha Satyagraha is way worse than those Government-sponsored public service announcements you see before a feature film. The late unfortunate ‘Mukesh’ who died of tobacco-induced…