Even in the midst of various constraints on internationalization due to COVID-19, Parul University has been continuing its culture for student exchange programs, but this time through innovative digital methods. The University recently announced an online international Semester exchange program for the students across multiple disciplines. This online mobility program is between Parul University and the Mlada Boleslav based Skoda Auto University, where the Indian students will get to learn in a blended classroom with the students of Czech Republic. The purpose behind initiating this program was inline with the University’s agenda of not permitting the ongoing pandemic to obstruct the learning process of its students, including their global academic exposure.
As a way of making it possible for all the students to avail this learning opportunity, the University provided a full tuition waiver for the participants all throughout their studies. The program provides students with an interdisciplinary study of various courses such as management, B2B marketing, new trends in automotive Industry, Czech language and culture for foreigners, business communication competencies. Upon the completion of the program, the students will get to receive a course certification, European Credits and PU credit transfer. Therefore while pursuing this program, the students will still get to progress in their academics at Parul University.
All throughout the pandemic, the University has been making use of various digital and virtual platforms so as to guarantee the students of the continuity of the learning process. The University’s lecture and assessment methodologies have become fully digital, this is what has made it possible for the students to take part in this exchange program and study under the instruction of Czech professors and experts. “Learning is not confined to a particular destination or location, this is why even from their homes, we are still able to provide students with such enriching international opportunities through these virtual exchange programs. I believe this platform will provide our students with the real time experience of European education. 80 participating students will be benefited by this online exchange program”, said the University’s Director of International Relations, Dr. Preeti Nair.
In addition to such exchange programs, the University’s International Relations Cell has been creating various avenues for international opportunities which include its newly initiated Global Internship Program, where students get to work in leading global companies all from their homes. “In these pandemic times, it is of great importance that we continue to provide our students with a comprehensive learning experience, and from the challenges created we have also gotten to see new opportunities being presented. Being a tuition waiver program I am confident that a number of our students will get to avail this global learning opportunity”, said the University’s President, Dr. Devanshu J Patel.
24 ટકાના વધારા પછી લોકોના મનમાં એક જ સવાલ,સાંસદો 5 વર્ષમાં કેવી રીતે કરોડો કમાતા…
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