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Parul University is taking measures to ensure safety of its 25 Afghani students

Parul University has been taking necessary measures for ensuring the safety and wellness of its 25 students who hail from Afghanistan. The country’s political upheaval has brought about a rising concern over the security and well-being of families and loved ones. Such concern has also been shared by the students who are currently pursuing their higher education at the University away from their home country. The students are all safe and are progressing with their studies as the University recently opened for offline classes.

In the recent academic season, 20 students had taken admission to the University and were expected to be making their way to India. However, as a result of these new developments in Afghanistan’s governmental structure, the state of foreign affairs with regards to immigration will only be certain upon the development of new standard operating procedures from the Government of India.

As a way of securing the students of worrying-related concerns arising out of the uncertainty of the crisis in their home country, Parul University has made available a psychologist and counselor who has been offering the much-needed support and guidance. Further, the students’ faculty mentors have been constantly involved to ensure that the students continue to feel at home during the course of their studies and are assisted in case of any need. The current scenario calls for a collective consensus for humanity, as people and nations come together to provide the much-needed assistance to the citizens of the world in Afghanistan and the country’s residents who are based in different countries across the world.

“The currency scenario in Afghanistan is concerning for the residents inside and outside the country and particularly the students. As a University, we will continue playing our role and ensuring the wellness, comfort, and safety of all our 25 students who are currently enrolled with the University”, said the University President, Dr. Devanshu J Patel.

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