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Parul University’s vaccination drive for a Covid-free campus and Covid-free India

Parul University’s teaching and non-teaching staff members, students, parents collectively pushed forward for vaccination drive in a bid to create a COVID-free campus and a COVID-free India. This drive for vaccination has proven to be even more fruitful with the recent State and Central government announcement of commencing offline classes in Private and Public Colleges from July 15th.

The efforts led to 82% of the University’s faculties receiving the vaccinations along with 70% of the students getting their shots. What has made the University’s vaccination campaign even more significant, is that beyond the students and faculty, the family members were also caught up in this wave of vaccination support & encouragement.

Such moving efforts to contribute to the greater good motivated 68.40% of the student’s family members and 75% of the staff family members to receive their shots. The main reason behind this increasing and active participation in the vaccination drives can be attributed to the numerous efforts taken by the Parul University management is spreading vaccination awareness and assisting in the registration.

In efforts to make the entire vaccination process more seamless, the University has been maintaining a regularly monitored and updated record of registrations and vaccinations for its stakeholders so as to provide both pre and post-vaccination guidance. 19,452 of the University’s students positively responded to the call and complied with the vaccination registration procedures. From a total of 63,625 student family members maintained in the record, the drive successfully encouraged 60,392 of them to register for vaccination and 68.40% of the registered relatives took their first dose and 24.48% received their second shot.

In addition, its total strength of 2,028 teaching and non-teaching staff further carried this flame of vaccination motivation to 4,537 of their family members who successfully registered with COWIN. From the registered family members, 75% of them were successful in receiving their first dose while the remaining 33% received their second vaccine dose.

Parul University has gone beyond taking precautions, to ensuring complete prevention. To pave the path for this vaccination drive, the University’s President Dr. Devanshu Patel was the very first person to take the vaccine with the goal to make the entire Parul University campus COVID-19 free.

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