Darshan Chandan: BhookMitaoo Campaign
Prabha Mehta: Disha Charitable Trust
Founder & President, Disha Charitable Trust, Vadodara. Disha Charitable Trust was found in June 1999 and has completed 18 successful years. This trust provides a wide range of need based services to children with Autism, Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Disabilities. She runs one of the best school and therapy center for children with Autism, by providing free services to children with special needs and their families living below poverty line under Disha’s Community Based Rehabilitation Program (CBR). By doing they have spread hope and life to thousands of families in need.
Rushab Gandhi: Handmade Hope
Apart from being the founder of Handmade Hope, he is the Chief operating officer at The Blue Bird Foundation and founder of Vadodara Causes.
Prinkit Patel: Change Vadodara Campaign
Founder of Change Vadodara Campaign, which is a Non Government Organization, which works for providing education and food to Vadodara’s slum area children. When Prinkit saw the leftover food thrown outside the wedding hall which he visited the previous night, made him realize the importance of food in life. He started providing food to these children in the slum areas. And this is gave birth to CVC in the year 2015. The organization started with few volunteers and currently they are 670 volunteers. The volunteers are students studying in college of Vadodara. Their basic aim is to provide food, education and teach them basic hygiene.
Juin Dutta: Srotoshwini Organization
Founder of Srotoshwini organization lived two decades in Vadodara, started an initiative to teach over more than 100
Swati Bedekar: Vatsalya Foundation
People in this city are not only suffering from the sanitation issues in general, but also the unhygienic issues in the conditions pertaining to the menstrual cycle of women in India. For tackling with such situations and coming up with the new incentives of creating not only healthy environment but to improve the lives at certain rural regions, Swati Bedekar came up with the project of Vatsalya Foundation which is gradually growing by receiving constant support from people she even provided educational services to children so that the dropout rates diminish leading to more development, hence making it one of the praiseworthy trusts of India.
Pratibha Foundation:
Nishita Rajput:
A girl from our city who studied at M.S. University, took an initiative to ensure that girl students from poor
24 ટકાના વધારા પછી લોકોના મનમાં એક જ સવાલ,સાંસદો 5 વર્ષમાં કેવી રીતે કરોડો કમાતા…
દર મીનીટે 36 ફુટબોલ મેદાન જેટલા કુદરતી વનોનો નાશ થઇ રહ્યો છે. ભારતમાં 33%ને બદલે…
આજે વિશ્વ કવિતા દિવસ છે ત્યારે પ્રેમ હુંફ અને લાગણીઓ સાથે કલ્પનાની દુનિયા ઉમેરાય અને…
પોલીસનું ઓપરેશન પતાલલોક! ડીજીપીના આદેશ છુટતા બિલમાં સંતાયેલાને બહાર લાવી કાયદાનો ડંડો વીંઝાશે!ગુંડારાજ વધતા પોલીસ…
આ અનોખી પરંપરા અનાદિ કાળથી ચાલતી હોવાનો દાવો.મસાન હોળી વારાણસીના મણિકર્ણિકા ઘાટ પર મનાવવામાં આવી.…
અંધશ્રદ્ધાના અંત માટે સ્વૈચ્છિક સંગઠનો અને સરકાર દ્વારા અભિયાનો ચલાવવામાં આવી રહ્યા છે. છતાં સમાજમાંથી…