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PU enginners built contactless automated robot for continuous sanitation

Vadodara-based Parul University has blended its engineering and medical fields to provide sustainable solutions for ensuring the welfare of COVID patients, while at the same time looking after the well-being of the staff members.

University’s Professor Om Prakash Shukla took the innovative step of developing an automated robotic cleaner, for cleaning inaccessible parts of the COVID wards to ensure the safety of cleaning staff by maintaining minimum contact with the patients.

This innovative project called “Clenoroboflex” is a recent addition to the University’s long list of in-house developed technologies. It is a remote controlled vacuum cleaner with a 15 meter long working range, making it convenient for usage in infectious diseases wards. The device can be operated by a single person and can operate it from a safe distance. This new development will significantly reduce the traffic flow due to less manpower required and the use of multiple cleaning equipment for the sanitation and cleaning of hospital and healthcare establishments. The invention has been made for use at the University’s 750 bedded multi-speciality hospital, Parul Sevashram Hospital.

This distinctive robot is battery operated with two hours of continuous work along with provisions for battery back-up. This extended battery life is significant because a single charge can cover a wider radius and ensures a continuous flow of uninterrupted usage. Moreover, it has been uniquely made from local materials without the use of any welding and has a body structure of PVC, resulting in it being very lightweight and battery sustaining. For its application in the medical field, it is of utmost importance as the machine must be quickly and easily sterilised for reuse. Since the robot is made of PVC, it can be easily disinfected by standard disinfecting solutions used in hospitals.

During these times, there is a need for medical support staff to maintain a limited proximity to COVID-19 patients, to curb the rate of cross-infections and these kinds of inventions really come in handy in hospital environments.

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