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Special Investigation Team formed to investigate the Valsad suicide case.

“It would have been easier to investigate if the victim was alive,” said SP Parikshita Rathod while addressing the media.

A Special Investigation Team is investigating the Valsad suicide case is inspecting the case with technical surveillance and human intelligence. The gap between rape and suicide makes it difficult to gather medical evidence but the postmortem report reveals marks of injury on hands and legs of the girl. The team is working very hard leaving no stone unturned and will hopefully solve the case soon.

Under the supervision of IGP Subhash Trivedi SIT is formed which includes Railway SP Parikshita Rathod, DCP Crime Vadodara city Jaydeep Singh Jadeja, DySP M.A Chaudhary, PI Utsav Barot (Railway Crime), PI K.R Chaudhary (Surat), and PI Jadeja of Railway Vadodara.

S.P said that the SIT Team will work into the investigation so far where the investigation team has verified 250+ CCTV footage, 300+ sexual offenders,1000+ rickshaw pullers, security, scrap dealers, nearby shops, and also asked in the residential area near crime spot. The cycle is yet to be recovered and the accused are still not identified but they are trying to solve the case soon.


Written by:

Isha Mehta

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