Brother of the victim, Ashutosh Dixit revealed that Ashwin, Noushad and he knew each other well since they stayed at the same hostel in Parul.
The incident resulted in severe burns on Ashwin’s one side of the face. He was immediately rushed to Parul Hospital where he was admitted . Whereas Noushad eloped to Mumbai, leaving the hostel at the very moment.
The university had set up an intercollege meeting where it was unanimously decided to rusticate the accused.
It had been four days to the incident and an FIR was still not lodged as the university abstained from it whereas, on the other hand, the victim’s family is adamant to have register complaint against Noushad.
The battle of lodging FIR is still ongoing between family and the university.
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hello everyone I'm Naushad..i was not do this kind of mistake.. I'm also injured on one side face and my neck parts totally damage
Ashwin dixit accepted his mistake..his brother not show my injured photos.. really believe me .do for me anything I'm belong very poor all are fall me..