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The ‘Burari Case’ in Surat?

– An article written by Shivani Gadre


On July 01, 2018, eleven dead bodies were found from Burari, Delhi. The eleven family members of Chudawant family, also known as the Bhatiya family by neighbors, committed mass suicide. This mass suicide was conducted under the guidance of the younger son of the grandmother in the family. Through the detailed investigation in the matter, it was come to light that these deaths were motivated by the shared psychosis.

Their bodies were found hanging in the courtyard of the house. Ten members of the family, three women, two men and total five youth (youngest member was 15 years old and the oldest daughter was 33 years old) were hanged, blindfolded and taped and the eldest member of the family, the grandmother was strangled to death. This incident was believed to be a ritual mass suicide. In the two-storey house, the pet dog was the only survivor.

Through investigations, the eeriness behind the case kept increasing as the revelations about the incidents were more shocking. This case was later declared as the ‘shared psychotic disorder’ where people blindly follow the instructions of one among them.

The ‘Burari Case’ incident baffled the entire nation. Because it was hard to believe that the death of the eleven members, including youngest 15-year-old boy of the family, were due to some practice. This case raised so many questions on the social construct and the heights a human can go. The case is also documented on the Ott series on Netflix, named, ‘House of Secrets.’

Today, a similar incident, like ‘Burari Case’ from Delhi, has come to light in Surat from Siddheshwar apartment in Palanpur Jakatnaka area. The Solanki family living in the apartment committed mass suicide. Manish Solanki choked to death while six others in his family—his wife, grandparents, two girls, and a child—died after consuming poisonous substances. In the preliminary information from the police, it has come to light that the suicide step was taken primarily due to financial difficulties faced by the family. Although, the necessity of taking such extreme measures carries the potential to endanger the lives of your family members and inflict trauma upon neighbors and other relatives.

Even though, investigation in the matter is still taking its course, the slight similarity between the Solanki mass suicide case in Surat and the Chudawant family mass suicide case from Delhi, the eerie similarities between the two cases can send shivers down one’s spine.

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