“An ancient Garbi tradition remains intact, adding a unique spark to the archaic Dandiya Ras festivities in Rajkot, Gujarat.”
The hallmark of this unique raas is the presence of six sisters, each gracefully carrying a burning indhoni on their heads. Subsequently, garbos are placed, and once more, a flaming indhoni adorns the performers. These garbos are held along with burning torches, casting a spell on the gathered audience. While there’s an inherent element of danger in this Garba, utmost care and child safety measures are meticulously maintained. Fire safety equipment is readily available, ensuring the well-being of the participants.
Over the course of 15 years, the grace of the Mother has safeguarded this beautiful tradition, with no untoward incidents. The dedicated sisters receive rigorous training and unwavering support from the organizers. To them, the performance is a testament to their unshaken faith and the blessings of Mataji. With hearts full of devotion and exhilaration, they declare that fear holds no place in their hearts while performing this raas, for they are enveloped in the divine protection of Mataji.
12 બાળકોની યાદોમાં પરિવારોના આંસુ હજી સુકાતા નથી! પીકનીકની એ સફર મોતની સફર…
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જ્ઞાતિવાદ દેશની પ્રગતિમાં બાધારૂપ સૌથી મોટું દુષણ જાતિવાદ સૌ કોઈ કરે છે પણ સ્વીકારતા નથી.…
કાયદા ઘડી કાઢવાથી ભ્રષ્ટાચાર નાબૂદ થવાનો નથી.ભ્રષ્ટાચારનો એક ઝાટકે છેદ ઉડાવવો શક્ય નથી ગુજરાત રાજ્ય…