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The month of ancestors; Shradh and Sarva Pitru Amavasya

In Hindu tradition, it is thought that a person is born with three debts:

Deva rina (debt to God), Acharya rina (due to Guru), and
Pitru Rina (respect for elders and forebears)

The purpose of the Pitru Paksha is to honour our deceased ancestors by doing rituals that will remove the Pitru Rina, assure their salvation (moksha), and benefit both, us and them.

“Pitru” stands for ancestors, while “Paksha” is the moon cycle. For the purpose of conducting pindadaan, shradh, and tarpan for the ancestors, the 15 days of the dark fortnight (krishna paksha) in the lunar month of Bhadrapada (according to the lunar calendar) or the solar month of Ashwin (according to the solar calendar) are referred to as Pitru Paksha.

Sarva Pitru Amavasya

Although these rituals must be performed every day during shradh, it is believed that doing them on the last day—Mahalaya Amavasya or Sarva Pitru Amavasya—the most significant and sacred day—will have the same positive effects as performing them in the holy cities of Gaya or Varanasi.

On Sarva Pitru Amavasya, doing shradh has several advantages. It is thought to evoke Lord Yama’s blessings, protect the family from illnesses and difficulties, comfort the spirits of deceased ancestors, and provide the performer a long and wealthy life.

According to the Vedic scriptures, honouring our responsibilities to our departed ancestors enables their spiritual essence, which resides in a distinct spiritual dimension, to use their divine abilities to bestow upon as rewards. Numerous astrologers also assert that when we do shradh rites to placate our ancestors, they have the power to heal inherited disorders, providing respite from serious illnesses.

These ancestor blessings may also be crucial in helping families resolve conflicts amicably, particularly those involving ancestor property. Additionally, pitru blessings has a track record of successfully resolving a variety of other familial disputes and estrangements. Participating in pitru shradh rituals might also assist in resolving ‘Pitru Dosh’ or child-related problems.

It is strongly advised to celebrate shradh on the occasion of Sarvapitru Amavasya. This ritual is believed to comfort the spirits of the deceased ancestors, aids in the prevention of ‘Pitru Dosh’, and as a result, lessens the difficulties in life. However, if someone is unable to complete the shradh rituals because of unavoidable circumstances, they might formally promise to do so in the years to come.

It is a commonly believed concept that the souls of our deceased loved ones roam the terrestrial sphere, and that their actions can have a negative impact on their surviving relatives. It becomes imperative to pacify these spirits since their resentment or curses might provide difficulties for the household. It is advised that even young boys within the family learn these rituals on Sarva Pitru Amavasya and continue to practise them in the future in order to ensure a happy and peaceful future for the family.

According to astrology, people who have ‘Pitru Dosh’ in their horoscopes should fervently perform shradh rites in order to lessen or get rid of this dosha. People who frequently struggle with finance and their health usually think about practising shradh rites, especially on Sarva Pitru Amavasya.

Three previous generations are included in the shradh rites, but they also include our lineage or gotras. These rituals entail reciting the names of our ancestors, providing a rare chance for a person to get to know the six generations that make up their family tree. This comprises the two sons and grandson generations as well as the three generations that have come before them. This tradition strengthens the links within the family tree and emphasises how important it is to treat one’s ancestors with the utmost reverence.

The performance of shradh rites during Pitru Paksha embodies the continuance of life and the harmonisation of that continuity. By respecting the ancestors, people believe that it has the power to offer us great joy and propel us forward.

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