Vadodara Police nabbed the gang who threw chilli powder on a businessman’s eyes and then looted him, The incident occurred near Tarsali highway.
With the help of CCTV footage, police started the investigation the case, accuses got arrested near Soma Talav.
One of the four accused was an ex-employee working with the businessman who was aware of daily routine transactions. With the help of his three friends, he plotted the plan to loot him.
All the accused have been found to have a criminal history
વાવ વિધાનસભામાં ભાજપની જીત: કોંગ્રેસને મોટો ઝટકો બનાસકાંઠાની વાવ વિધાનસભાની પેટા ચૂંટણીનું…
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