
Time-Saving Ropeway to Transform Pilgrimage Experience to Pavagadh

“Pavagadh’s Mahakali Mata Darshan and Dhudiya Lake Exploration to Become Faster”

Pavagadh, a revered pilgrimage site in Gujarat, is set to undergo a significant transformation with the introduction of a time-saving ropeway system. Visitors to the sacred Mahakali Mata temple and the enchanting Dudhiya Lake will no longer need to climb the arduous 500 steps, reducing the journey from one hour to just 20 minutes.

Pavagadh’s Rising Popularity

The Pavagadh hill has seen a surge in visitors over the years, particularly during Navratri, with over 2.16 lakh people making their way to Mataji’s temple on the first day of the festival and an estimated 25,000 to 30,000 pilgrims arriving daily. To accommodate the growing numbers, the Pavitra Yatradham Development Board has completed phase one of a development project worth 125 crores. This phase includes new steps from Machi to the temple’s summit, the beautification of the Dudhiya Lake, improved tourist facilities, a water system, and the expansion of the temple to three floors, increasing the premises from 800 square feet to a magnificent 2800 square meters.

The Second Ropeway Phase

To further enhance the visitor experience, the introduction of a second ropeway has been approved. This ropeway will cover the 500 steps, saving visitors from the physical strain and time-consuming climb. The journey, which currently takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes, will be reduced to just 5 to 7 minutes.

In-Principle Approval for Development

To keep up with the increasing influx of visitors, an in-principle approval of Rs 180 crore has been granted by the Chief Minister for the development of the Pavagadh and Champaner areas. This ambitious project aims to develop the foothills to include water activities, beautiful lakes, tent cities, and heritage forests for the enjoyment of all.

The introduction of the second ropeway phase and the ongoing development initiatives reflect the government’s commitment to enhancing the spiritual experience at Pavagadh while offering convenience and accessibility to pilgrims, making the journey to Mahakali Mata and the Dudhiya Lake an even more memorable and efficient one.

Vibhuti Pathak

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